Education - Library and Education System Furniture
Environmental Considerations
Okamura is striving to reduce environmental impact by improving the design of products and equipment. This is possible through the advanced understanding of the environmental impact of all stages, from product planning to recycling after disposal.
● Initiatives for a Sustainable Society
ISO 14001 Certification Okamura Group Registration No. JSAE 283 [Okamura Corporation/ Okamura Logistics Corporation/ Kansai Okamura Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Registration No. JQA-EM 0459 Sanyo Okamura Corporation Registration No. JQA-EM 1166 Siam Okamura Steel Co., Ltd. Registration No. 04104 2006 5025 E5 Fuji Seiko Honsha Co., Ltd. Registration No. KHK 09ER/793 NS Okamura Corporation Registration No. JQA EM1618 Okamura Support and Service Corporation]
The Okamura Group carries out Green Wave activities for environmental protection. In order to continue to carry out important environmental activities, we have introduced an ISO14001 certified environmental management system that covers the entire product life cycle from initial planning, to collection, disassembly, and recycling. We are working toward more efficient use of resources and energy, and higher levels of information sharing. Our aim is to provide environmentally-friendly manufacturing and services that can facilitate a sustainable society.
Environmental management Environmental riskmanagement Improvement of environmental efficiency Environmental accounting
Green purchasing Green purchasing of production materials Green purchasing of office consumables
Energy conservation Greenhouse gas reduction Water resource measures Waste reduction Contamination prevention Chemical substance management Manufacturing
Sales of environmentally-friendly products Proposal for eco-friendly spaces Green office activities Sales
Improvement of packaging Improvement of transport Logistics
Reuse/ reduce Periodic inspection/ cleaning/ parts replacement/ upgrades Usage
Product planning Product assessment Development of environmentally-friendly products Environmental labeling
Reuse of parts
Reuse of products
Reuse of packingmaterials
Recycling Eco-balance Expansion toward environmentally-friend- ly products
Dismantling Dismantling into
Recovery Recovery of used products
separate materials
Appropriate waste treatment Manifest Zero emissions
Represents the flow of objects Represents the flow of information
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